Thursday 14 October 2010


This is the first page of the Questionnaire of the research into our target demographic, this will help us to include certain attributes that our audience like about soaps, and to avoid including conventions which they dislike about soaps. On this first page I ask whether they are male or female, which gives me an indication of the attraction of different soaps towards either gender. Next I ask whether they watch soaps and which soaps they like and dislike, this will help me to include the conventions of the soaps that are liked to get the best features in my soap trailer. I then ask what age were they when they frist watched soaps and whta influences them to watch the soaps.

This is the second page of the questionnaire, in which I ask where the soaps are watched so that I can advertise my soap accordingly. For example if more soaps are watched online I would need to invest more in online advertising. Next I ask whether anything is learned from soap operas, ie. life morals or social norms etc. Then I ask whether soaps are watched conitnously on TV or whether such online applications as Iplayer are used to catch up on them. The next question is what the person's favourite soap is and why and then which newspapers are read by the person, this will help me to see what social group the people are in so that I can base my soap around certain aspects of their social group, i.e. whether to be more sophisticated or more informal. 

This is the final page of the questionnaire which asks the employment status of the reader and it also asks whether soaps can be improved and on what certain aspects. This will help me to correct any mistakes made in big soaps such as Cornoation Street or Eastenders, this again gives me an advantage to make an appealing show that the audience will want to watch again and again. Finally I ask the question whether the reader agrees with the statement that soaps are still aimed at women.

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