Monday 11 October 2010

Shots around college to set the scene for our soap trailer (establishing shots)

Our group took some photos around college in order to set the scene for our 3 minute soap trailer. This was so we knew where we were going to film each scene and what the scenery was like in each of the locations. These pictures also come useful for when we do our draft trailer in order to get used to using the camera and the software on the computer. We used the location inside college so that it could be similar to our target soap which is Waterloo Road. This soap is located in a school so we thought that filming our soap inside our own college would give our soap traielr the same sense of genre nad teenagers our age could relate to the trailer.

This shot is a medium shot and could be used as a good location for a discusion between students in our trailer

This shot is a high-angle shot and could be used in our trailer to bestow more power to a character in order to belittle another

This shot shows a close up again of the stairwell as we thought that this, like the chairs, would be a good scene to show a student discussion and maybe have an argument breakout

This is the lecture theatre in our college, this could be used as an establishing shot for a scene that was about to take place in this location

This shot is a long shot of the different floors in which scenes could take place around college, it was essential to our setting to film in an actual college in order to make our trailer look authentic

We included this shot of the college as we believed it could be a great locatin where a fight scene could take place as it is very public and there could be alot of commotion taking place

In this shot we were experimenting with the camera and the technology to see what kind of effect we could create by taking different shots at different angles
In this shot we could create an over the shoulder shot with two characters sitting on the chairs, in the background a different event could be taking place and with a bit of experimenting with the technology we could shift the focus of the camera to and from each perspective

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