Saturday 23 October 2010

Second Draft Of Ancillary Project - Billboard

Here is my second draft of my ancillary project, the billboard advertisement for my soap. The name of the soap can clearly be seen at the top of the image, we used a picture of a road sign to show this, this gives the setting of a urban background along with the brick wall behind them giving the same sort of impression. The two main characters can be clearly seen in the advertisement along with the tagline. This is written in a graffiti style font to show the audience that the show is aimed at a younger demographic around 14-21 year olds. Also the channel BBC ONE can be seen at the bottom of the billboard along with thursday at 5 in the top left hand corner. Also in this second draft I have used photoshop to manipulate the image of the two main characters in my trailer, this is to give the billboard more professionalism and add more effect to the image as it portrays an image if conflict between the two characters which is shown in the trailer itself. However despite these effective features there are certain aspects of the billboard that could be improved. For example the tagline is quite hard to understand and looks relatively alien compared to the rest of the billboard, to address this clearer font needs to be used and a different colour could also be used to follow the colour scheme of the billboard. Furthermore parts of the picture look very empty so I think that the two characters need to be more spread out and the alyout could be adjusted to make most of the space on the billboard. Finally the text which shows when the show is going to be on overlaps with the title which makes the billboard look messy and unattractive to the customer. To address these problems I will do a final draft of the billboard and change the features neccessary.

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