Wednesday 27 October 2010

Final Draft Of Ancillary Product - TV Listings Front Cover

This is my final draft of my ancillary product - TV Listings front cover. As you can see I have totally re-developed the layout of the magazine to make it look more structured and therefore easier on the eye of the reader. This new layout will make the front cover easier to understand and make the different features clearer and more eye-catching. A new main feature is being used that is directly connected with my soap traielr and it is quite a controversial scene as it is about a gay relationship. Although homosexual relationships are very frequent in today's society certain readers will still be shocked when they see this on the front cover of the magazine and therefore they are more likely to pick it up and read it. I have used some traditional conventions that I found in existing TV listing magazines such as the days of the week up the side, the freebie inside the magazine and the main masthead that is the brand name.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Second Draft Of Ancillary Project - TV Listings Front Cover

This image shows the final draft of the TV listings front cover, it shows a strong image of the characters in our trailer, although the image shows a chracter that does not feature in the trailer we thought as a group that the image was strong enough to use as our final draft anyway. The masthead can clearly be seen with bright colourful wirting which grabs the customers attention, a cheap pirce is also a good feature next to the msathead. The main feature also has a tagline to describe it, also a smaller feature of our trailer can also be seen as one of the main scenes from our traielr is featured in the corner. The customer also knows that this is a 7 day guide as the week is labelled down the side of the magazine, a barcode and the magazine's website is also featured in the corner of the front cover. All these features contribute to the magazine looking authentic and professional. 

Monday 25 October 2010

First Draft Of Ancillary Project - TV Listings Front Cover

Here is the first draft of my Soap TV Listings Front Cover, I have tried to include as amny of the typical conventions as I could to make my front cover look proffessional and authentic aswell as buyable from the customers perspective. The masthead, the name of the magazine, is the feature that the customer will notice first as it is in bold lettering and bright attractive colours are used, this is similar to the product below. Also I have used a main feature to grab the customers eye and also I have included other smaller storylines around the page. I have decided to do a draft so that I can see how these feratures actually look like when producing my product, and also how I can manipulate images so that they look more effective on the page.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Existing Soap TV Listings Magazine Front Cover

This image shows an existing Soap TV listings magazine, this will help me in my research on the conventions of a soap magazine to make my ancillary project look more authentic and professional. For example I can see a masthead with the name of the magazine on it, this is large and colourful in big bold writing. This shows me that this will be the main feature of a magazine front cover so that readers know what they are buying as there is alot of competition in this area of the market. Also on the front cover are numerous stories floating about the page which keeps the reader interested with so many storyliones to follow and therefore the customer is more likely to buy it which is overall the main target of the front cover. I can also see other features on the front cover such as a website, a barcode, the price of the magazine and the issue number. I will need to include all of these features on my ancillary project to make it as efficient as possible.

Final Draft Of Ancillary Project -Billboard

This is my final draft of my Billboard ancillary project, I have changed the font of the tagline and the font of the information about when the show is on. I think that this font is clearer and the audience will be able to understand the billboard more and therefore it is more effective. Also I have rearranged the layout of the billboard to make use of the space so that it looks more professional and more informative, furthermore I believe that the writing getting larger is important as it builds up to the word suprises.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Second Draft Of Ancillary Project - Billboard

Here is my second draft of my ancillary project, the billboard advertisement for my soap. The name of the soap can clearly be seen at the top of the image, we used a picture of a road sign to show this, this gives the setting of a urban background along with the brick wall behind them giving the same sort of impression. The two main characters can be clearly seen in the advertisement along with the tagline. This is written in a graffiti style font to show the audience that the show is aimed at a younger demographic around 14-21 year olds. Also the channel BBC ONE can be seen at the bottom of the billboard along with thursday at 5 in the top left hand corner. Also in this second draft I have used photoshop to manipulate the image of the two main characters in my trailer, this is to give the billboard more professionalism and add more effect to the image as it portrays an image if conflict between the two characters which is shown in the trailer itself. However despite these effective features there are certain aspects of the billboard that could be improved. For example the tagline is quite hard to understand and looks relatively alien compared to the rest of the billboard, to address this clearer font needs to be used and a different colour could also be used to follow the colour scheme of the billboard. Furthermore parts of the picture look very empty so I think that the two characters need to be more spread out and the alyout could be adjusted to make most of the space on the billboard. Finally the text which shows when the show is going to be on overlaps with the title which makes the billboard look messy and unattractive to the customer. To address these problems I will do a final draft of the billboard and change the features neccessary.

First Draft Of Ancillary Product - Billboard

Here is the first draft of my ancillary project, this is the billboard advert for a soap trailer. Firstly I decided to use a different group of people and get used to the techniques a general billboard advertisement has before making the final design with the characters fomr my own trailer. The picture below shows a series on channel 4 called 'The Block' with a tagline underneath it. I think the heading is effective as it represents the characters in the billboard through giving the impression that all these characters live around the same area and there is some conflict involved. This very much follows ideas from other soaps such as Eastenders or Coronation Street, this is because they all live quite near each other and there is always issues involved in these programs between the characters. I feel that the same sort of vibe and theme is given through the use of this photograph and the expressions on the characters faces used in this billboard advertisement.

Friday 22 October 2010

Existing Billboard Advertisement

This picture shows an existing billboard advertisement for a hit TV show, as you can see all the typical conventions can be seen. For example a masthead with the tagline for the show can be seen in bold letters, the main actor in the show takes up half of the billboard which shows similar to my questionnaire results that the actor/actress in a particular show influences your choice on whether to watch it or not. A colour scheme is used to give the billboard a professional look and ifnally it shows the reader when and what channel the program is on.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Storyboard of our trailer

Here is the storyboard of our trailer, it describes exactly what happens in each scene, i.e. the length of the shot, what happens in the shot, the camera movement, what actions the actors take, what music is in the background and the edits that have been taken in the particular scene. This shows the reader exactly how we created each scene.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Script For Our 3 Minute Trailer

This is the script for our 3 minute trailer, it consists of what characters are going to be in the trailer, who they are played by and also some stage directions are given on the script. By producing a script before the actual product is filmed it makes the whole process alot more organised so that the filming looks more professional and all the actors know what they are doing at specific times in the shoot.

Monday 18 October 2010

Cast Of Our Trailer

Here is the whole cast of our trailer with the names of each actor/actress at the bottom.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Shots of Scenes Around College That Will Appear In Our Trailer

These are some photographs of the locations around Aquinas College in which our narratives will occur in our trailer. By taking pictures of the locations we can analyse them and see where the best spots are to angle the camera and also which camera shot is the best to use. By doing this and analysing the different locations we were able to make the trailer more effective amd use different methods to attract our target audience.

This is the corridor in which one of our chracters has her traumatic experience that leaves the audience on a cliffhanger wanting to know more, the college corridor suits very well with the conventions in the soap traielr

This shot shows the seating area in the college where they all gather round and talk, this shows the togetherness and the sense of community that most soaps have todya such as Eastenders and Hollyoaks

This is the external shot of the college where the drug scene takes place, this is a controversial scene in the college as an illegal act is commited

This is what we used for the drugs, we got some sachets of salt and wrapped them in clingfilm to make them look like a drug-like substance.

Again this is the external shot of the collge which includes two of the main characters that are in the soap trailer. This shows what props are aroudn us that we can use and how we can place the camera to give a certain angle to he shot.

This is the same shot but from a different angle, from this angle more of the canteen can be seen, which again gives the sense of community in the college as everybody eats together.

This shows the main corridor as to which our inroductory scene takes place. This again places the sense of community at the top of the convention lsit in our trailer as we beleive this will appeal to the target audience as they will be able to relate to it. Such series as the Inbetweeners use similar effects.

This is the brand idnetity of our soap and the logo as to which our soap will be attained with.

This shows the start of the controversial homosexual scene that is seen on the front cover of the TV listings magazine. This is situated in the classroom which again continues the theme of the college life throughout the trailer.

This shows a different angle on the same scene but this time the two characters faces can really be seen to show the emotion and let the audience feel what they are feeling. This convention is again used in alot soaps.

This is another external shot of the college but this time it is at the main entrance where the fight scene takes place. This could also be sued as an establishing shot to set the scene of where the soap traielr takes place.

This shot shows the start of the conflict scene between the teacher and the student, this is also a controversial scene as it is not the conformist behaviour you expect from inside a college.

This is the shot of the standoff between the two characters which I believe is a very powerful image as alot of feeling and aggresion is shown as to which the audience can react to.