Friday 26 November 2010

Our first draft of our completed soap trailer

This shows the first draft of our soap trailer, we have integrated the music and sequenced all the scenes we shot together. This makes a smooth running of the trailer to make it look more effective as the video progresses, also we added some effects with Adobe Premier Elements to make the video more attractive to the audience. I still think that some changes can be made to the trailer although it is fairly strong. For example the camerawork is a bit shifty which gives a certain sense of unprofessionalism to the trailer, also some of the scenes seem to drag on a bit too long which could become boring for the audience. These flaws can be addressed through the use of Adobe Premiere Elements by speeding up parts of the trailer and adding certain attributes such as a logo or a final still image to advertise the program to make it look genuine. However there are strengths to the trailer, for example one effective technique is the number of narratives that are occuring in the trailer, this gives depth to the show and entices the audience to want to know more and therefore watch the show. I think that another strength of the trailer is the running background music with the trailer, I think that it works really well with the fast paced trailer as the rhythm is quite fast and therefore adds tension and coincides well with the tempo. All of these evaluation points will be addressed in the final trailer in which I will analyse whether they have been applied successfully or whether they could be changed and corrected a stage further.

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